Aravot does not represent the views of any political group. Aravot is unbiased towards all political representatives and will publish all representatives’ views if they do not include insults towards any individual. Aravot’s journalists and editor aim to balance perspectives through getting the opinion of the opposition as well.

The journalists at Aravot aim to uphold the correctness and versatility of the articles, and use every possibility to confirm information from at least two sources. The person or organization about whom negative opinions have been voiced in an article has the opportunity to give an explanation to Aravot in the same article or in a separate one that would be published in the following days.

The journalists at Aravot strictly separate news from commentary. They do not include their own judgments and emotions in news articles or programs.



    4 Arshakunyac - Grigor Lusavorich, Yerevan, Armenia