Teach Communication through Science (TCTS) is a private company in STEM with the goal of educating kids at different STEM-related disciplines. The company is established in 2018 and is very active in having workshops and pop-ups in Science related events and fairs both in-person and virtually as well as its regular classes. The approach and methodology used in our class comply with the especial 21- century National Education Association like collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.

Product and Services: We are a private STEM education company offering classes for kids age 4-14 in a variety of STEM disciplines such as hands-on science experiments, maker spaces, coding, 3D design, robotics, micro bit, computer skills including flyer design and stop motion.

Team: The team includes educators and a board of advisory from different fields including engineers, an IT, an education spe@t, and an art consultant. The board develops and oversees the lesson plans.

Mission Statement: The Company is on a mission to inspire and nurture kid’s innate curiosity by giving personalized care to its students and engage them in STEM (science, technology engineering, and math). Raising interest in kids to choose STEM-related careers in the future is the secondary goal of this program. The ultimate goal is to involve every child in logical thinking feeling comfortable in expressing their judgment and being able to communicate effectively.



    Los Angeles, CA, USA