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Halloween in Armenia

Halloween in Armenia

Halloween in Armenia: Innocent entertainment or Loss of Cultural Identity?

Soon is October 31st, and it means that Halloween is coming. The most arguable holiday for the first Christian nation Armenians. A part of Armenians think that it is not an Armenian holiday or the other solid argument is that it’s not a Christian holiday so they don’t find the meaning to celebrate it in Armenia. In fact, many other traditions that we Armenians celebrate don’t have any Christian origin, such as Vardavar which belongs to early pagan times. It is associated with the Goddess of water and beauty-Astghik.

The Difference of Halloween Celebration In America and Armenia

Although Halloween has a solid American origin, Armenian youth that day wear scary and interesting costumes and celebrate it on the streets of Yerevan as entertainment. Mostly Halloween celebration in Armenia is getting limited to wearing costumes, while in Halloween’s native country the meaning is to get rid of the evil-tempered ghosts. Black and orange are traditional holiday colors and the symbol of the holiday is the pumpkin. Many Americans decorate their houses and get prepared with snacks and candies because children from house to house knocking on doors and ask ‘’treat or trick?’’ hoping their bags get full of candies. Sometimes Americans can make a contest about whose costume is better.

Halloween Celebration in Armenia 2021

While writing this article we have searched about events in Armenia for that day, and like previous years, this year again people are apart for 2 parts. We found some Armenian events where Armenians are going to celebrate Halloween as its full, and the other part is AntiHalloween parties. For the last, some people use the same symbol of the holiday pumpkin but instead of making carved scary heads from that, they make Ghapama from. Isn’t it ‘’too much’’ Armenian way of celebrating Halloween? 🙂

The second part of Armenian ‘’celebrators’’ think that Halloween is quite a scary and negative holiday. For the second part, the day is ending in the pub just having fun with costumes without even trick or treating. For those who want to celebrate but are not going to a pub, time is going by walking with a scary costume in Northern Avenue and definitely getting some old Armenian people’s strange and scared looks because most of them have no idea that today is Halloween. So if you plan to spend your holiday in Armenia, getting costumed and walk-in in Armenian streets, get ready that people will take you like crazy.

monkey face during halloween

Photo from PHOTOLURE

Wrapping Up

Despite the criticism, Halloween is becoming more and more popular because little countries such as Armenia are getting under westernization very easily and the youth is starting to make things easier without searching behind any religion or antireligion meaning. Although, the good thing is that Armenians that day will not get bored, because they have 2 options of celebration that day. And despite all arguments and opinions, both sides’ choices should be respected by everyone. 

P.S This year our team is 100% sure that all costumes will be in ‘’Squid Game’’ style. What do you think? And if you will celebrate who will you be?